la musique;

Friday, April 28, 2006

Ya know, sometimes everyone thinks that you are pro in your cca cause you are prolly the only one in the class in that cca. for example, choir. lets say 209/06 only has 1 choirister uh rm? then everyone will think rm is pro and send her for choir comp if there's any. we think this way cause there's no one to compare her to. osmehting like that. haha hopefully you get what i mean. so *HINT HINT* ( refer to my previous post last line if you dont know what im talking about)

Another thing i want to talk about would be women rights =X. i know they have put stuff up like equal rights. whatever. but then dig this: ( please dont read it if you are not a female =X)
Today, women are still put on a lower level. Machinery and disasters are named after or called female names. Women are compared to things that are not alive and have no feelings. The weight modern society puts on the woman’s shoulders are not light. They are expected to be successful individuals with a perfect body while being super moms and super wives at home. They are expected to cook meals and help their husbands make more money to achieve the other 4 Cs to make the family achieve the 5 Cs, cash, career, credit cards, condominium and county club. Women who do not marry are written as unacceptable. Men still believe that in respectable professions, such as lawyers and doctors, the women, however successful, will not get to the top of the ladder of success.
Women are also expected to do all the housework but the men still run the house. They are expected to take care of the children and chauffeur to the family. The men expect a good dinner when "exhausted" from work. They never stopped between their enjoyment in life to think of the things women are expected of. The society usually puts women at fault. When they have a child of wedlock, it is always the females’ fault. If something happens is always that the women does not know how to take care of herself. This is the stereotyping of women since ancient times. Sure, women are somewhat luckier in ways but the challenges they face are greater than the ones that men. We should be strong, like the women mentioned in the poem, to stand up for ourselves and change the stereotype of women and do what we have to do to fight for women rights in reality even though the law was passed. We have to continue the battle that our ancestors started for us. They paved the way for us to make life easier for us. We have to continue fighting for our rights. =X
People who thinks this is offensive, SOOOOOO sorry. its just my two cents.

7:23 PM

Thursday, April 27, 2006

today straight finals for the 1500m. sad. ha. about 1km that time, my knee just kinda collasped and got quite dizzy. then tried to walk back to the starting line. then go back drink water. its like i cant even straighten it la. then when its straightened, i cant bend it. diao. haha. its like so -.-. nvm ha. then slack ard then eat a bit. haha. then saw a whole lot of ppl walk past. then it slike gj's friend was there. and he was annoucing to the whole world that gj was there. then they were like walk 5 steps then STOP then STARE at gj. spastic. nvm ha. then its like we go change la. then i saw my friend. i was DAOING then he was like WTH ARE YOU DOING HERE look.
ZzzZ. now i feel so sad for chiling. she so talented then kena lag until almost the last then its like she still got high jump. ha. sad. then gj got 3rd for shot put. liuyi got first and pehli got bad la. first and second all trackers. AS USUAL. nvm. ZZz. trackers. improved. alot. like ALOT. u know A-L-O-T!!! ha nvm. anyway its like...i know im extra in the class la. so maybe you guys shld stop putting me in track events.

6:48 PM

Monday, April 24, 2006

Long time no see. Alot of things to say so bear with me.

Today zhiyang came to NY just to make an annoucement. then he went ard the classes there. and then the 208 ppl were crazy. so was val. the first thing she said when she came into class was "ZHIYANG WALKED PAST THE BAND ROOM!!" in the little squeaky voice. thne everyone was like ERRR... haha she's crazy. and when i told people 3 wks ago that zhiyang was coming to NY, people dont believe. tskk. must trust me =D.

Another thing i want to mention is the Intelligence Quotient Test ( IQ test). i refer to my previous post on the 7/8 intelligences. the IQ test only tests academic intelligence and maths/logic intelligence. its NOT an IQ test. its a test of the 2 intelligences only. academic and maths. its so fake and people think that if their IQ based on that test is high means that their IQ is high. thats so NOT true. its just a demoralising test and it doesnt serve any purpose at all unless you counted making those people with supposedly high IQ happy. its all crap.

A few days ago in lang arts we learnt some analalogic whatever thing ( i didnt pay attention in class =X) Mrs Tan was saying about the watoto story of this girl walking back to help a injured boy during the paralympics and they rest leading also stopped and held hands and crossed the line together. its a parallel to real life. at NY we are upgrading the sch to have better facilitieswhen we already have more than enough. at the same time, watoto is only building houses for survival. shouldnt we look back at the watoto people and help them just like in that paralympics instead of rushing forward and trying to be better than others? sure, in this society, people are expected to be better than others in whatever way they can. but its not human anymore. its robotic. its feelingless. we should really step back and help others and at least CARE. =D

P/s: good luck for sci and chinese test tomorrow =)

3:26 PM

Thursday, April 20, 2006

Our greatest fear is not that we are inadequate,
It is that we are powerful beyound measure.
It is our light not our darkness that most frightens us.

We are born to make manifest
Of the golry of God
That is within us.

It is not in just some of us,
It is in everyone.
We ask ourselves, "Who are we to be gorgeous, fabulous amd beautiful?"
Actually who are you not to be,
You are a child of God.

Your playing small does not serve the world.
There is nothing enlightening about shrinking,
So that people will not feel insercure around you.

As we are liberated form our own fears,
As we let our own light shine,
Your prescence automatically liberates others.

3:50 PM

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

harry potter is a total rip off from LOTR. ita jk rowling's english is not good. her vocab sucks. its like no description at all. so many mistakes in the book. its disgusting how well the books sell. big time. i mean its not like they are the first of their kind. its just a whole biig rip off. the harry potter series is like stuck between reality and magic. its spastic. its crap. jk rowling is such a faker. and seems like she practices black magic. so its like the spells in the harry potter series are kinda real? dont know. its like harry potter sells disgustingly well. LOTR should get more credit. and maybe doomspell trilogy too. its better. MUCH MUCH better. the vocab is superb and the story line is clear and concise unlike a certain series. sry if i insulted anyone who absolutely loves the harry potter series.

7:17 PM

i believe that money can buy happiness. ok so many ppl wont believe it. its just a cliche that money cant buy happiness. too bad if dont believe me. ok so lets say u have a whole load of money. u can have happiness buy lets say buying a whole lot of property. and u can basically live there in peaceful environment and u can just feel happy, peaceful, and all that. haha lan explanation la.

maths test results. better than i expected cause no one can study last min and on a phone conference. diaoed. at least i passed. haha. i must start mugging or kinda continue mugging at least. practice makes perfect. wow its like cliche. tsktsk but its kinda true i guess. i love algebra. little algebra = fail maths test. haha. but its a miracle i passed. haha. okay. more psyco stufft laer.

12:14 PM

Sunday, April 16, 2006

back ffrom malaysia. went over during the easter plus wkend. lerant quite alot from it. psyco stuff. haha. as usual. anyway. the bad point is that the chalet was HORRIBLE. the electricity is limited from 7pm to 8am. and the food was bad. and the water was dirty. and there were ALOT of bugs. good points are that ALOT of stars. omg so cool. saw shooting star. pretty small ones. also learnt to play poker. something like poker at least.

the chalet was by the sea. i went to the water there during low tide. there wsa this stone in the waer which is visible only during low tide. it set me thinking. i mean you cant see it during high tide. so some one cant see the stone so he dives in, hit the stone and banged the head or something. its like it taught me that looks are deciving.

that same stone during low tide kinda spoilt the whole water wave thing. that little imperfection seems very very big when you only look at the water and not the whole beach scene. but if you look at the whole big picture, sky stars, water, sand whatever, its like you dont actually notice the whole stone thing and you dont really feel that it makes such a big diff to the whole picture.

so before i went on this trip, i felt i had so much troubles, so much pain and so many things to do. but when i stand at the seaside, with water spalshing on my foot, i felt so insiginificant. that my troubles are nothing compared to the vast ocean. this doesnt mean i play small to help the world. i mean if everyone does that, there would be no leader and all that. all the mountains are made up of rocks. small and big ones. so lets imagine that the big rocks represent leaders and that the small ones represent us. the leaders support us we follow and together we create a mountain which represents a miracle or a big achievement. so together we can achieve miracles. your playing small doesnt serve the world. when you are liberated from ur own fears, your presence automatically gives others the permission to do the same. so people chin up and be liberated from ur own fears and help others to do the same. these recent posts are kinda trying to motivate someone so if you read these. please cheer up.

8:13 PM

Thursday, April 13, 2006

long time didnt blog already so here goes:

Inner beauty
i believe everyone is beautiful in their own ways. its not just phsycal beauty but the inner soul matters too. thats what we really are. its not what we look like, not the way we behave, not the way we speak or anything. its really not about how people feel about you. its about who you really are and you know yourself deep inside. everyone of us hides beneath a mask. a mask that many of us will never take off for the whole of our lives. those masks blind our real light and makes us so fake and unreal that we dont know ourselves anymore. everyone's comments about us builds up believes that are negative and prevent ourselves from doing what we really want to do. this negative stuff stops us from achieveing our ultimate goal and potential. those are the fears that we have. let go of all those things are not easy and not many can achieve that. its breaking through all those fears and attempt everything that we ever wanted. cheer up those "depressed" people. hope is never dead until you are dead. it is alive in every one of us unless we are dead.

How precious life is --Depression
recently i have noticed that alot of people have started saying that they are depressed and all that. depression is not just momentarily sadness. the symtoms of depression are usually not realised by the sufferer of depression. the symtoms of depression are:
-prolonged sadness
-feelings of iselessness and worthlessness
-GIANT mood swings
-poor sch performances like from A1 to say...F8?
-withdrawal form friends
-change in appetite and sleep patterns
-lack of energy
-loss of interest or enjoyment in usual activites.
please note that these symtoms refer to the REALLY GIANT kinds. not small kinds. chin up people. i have gone through it and i know how it feels. i am much stronger now and much more confident. there's still hope.

there are many kinds of intelligences. not just academic intelligence. most people define intelligence as academic intelligence but there are 7/8 kinds of intelligences. they are word/verbal, logical/maths, visual/space, body/kinesthetic, musicial, interpersonal/people, personal/self and of course academic. the educational system focuses on academic intelligence which makes people think that the most important intelligence is academic. but unfortunately in my opnion, its not true. i think that the most important one is interpersonal and self intelligence. this is one of the many intelligences that the educational system does not focus on. thats why there is a flaw in the educational system for years and those "highly educated" people still do crazy things like making porn and all that.

i typed this all by myself so if anyone doubts it, its their problem. if you dont share my views in this fields, please do not flame me and spam my tagboard. please email me or talk to me about it.

9:04 PM

Monday, April 10, 2006

im utterly pissed and tired AGAIN. how come it seems to happen everynight. IRRITATING PEOPLE. ugh. im freaking out for no reason. HOW?!?! oh no...1.5K WORD ESSAY FOR THE FREAKING HOME EC. for goodness sake its HOME EC. who does home ec hw? practically no one unless they are teachers' pets. OH PUHLEASE. and my parents are just so freaky. AHHHH. okok and someone had to go and freak me out more. AHEM. so this is freaky. omgomgomg. someone's haunting me. ahhhh~~ ok. RELAX...CHILL~~~ cannot ler. too freaky ler. thats it for today

8:51 PM

7 random facts bout me:
1) i'm very random
2) i'm VERY VERY random -ha shall stop randoming-
3) i like slacking -duh doesnt everyone-
4) i like eating =D
5) i'm addicted to the com >.<
6) people think im diaoish
7) zhiyang is cute!

7 celebrity crushes:
7) about ZHIYANG!!!

7 qualities i want in a potential boyfriend:
not saying.

7 things that scare me:
2) ernest's sacarsticity and rm's sparsticity
3) no internet
4) exams -duh!-
6) school?
7) brain block

7 random songs at the moment:
1) Fantaiese Impromtu
2) Complicated
3) going under
4) Prelude in e minor
5) wake me up when september ends
6) bouvleyard of broken dreams
7) My immortal

7 things i like the most:
1) ME!!!
2) music?
3) mp3/ipod
4) PHONE!!!
5) msn
6) maple
7) doomspell trilogy

7 things i plan to do before i die:
2) get another instru
3) get dipolma in piano?
4) be honest about 1000 things
5) make someone feel motivated
6) CAREER!!!!
7) dunno?

7 things i say the most:
1) ass
2) sparstic
3) lame
4) whatever
5) lalala~
6) *laughing*
7) haha

7 people i want to do this too:
1) my bro =D -4 yrs old-
2) val
3) cai
4) claire
5) ai lin?
6) sarah wong
7) CHICKEN aka john!

lalala~~ take a look

6:20 PM

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

what is the point about hollywood? it doesnt do any good to the world except spread bad stuff to the world. like all those 'trends' and all that crap. its idiotic. totally. cause for example plastic surgery. no doctor said it was safer now then before but when hollywood stars started doing it, ppl thought it was ok and started doing it. its called following blindly. duh. its lame la. hollywood. and it blends the line between the art of acting and sexual stuff. its the HUGE gap there. HUGE!!!!dig it? its absolutely ridiculous. hollywood is supposed to be a center for the art of acting and drama. but what has it become? some crappy lam place whr almost everyone who has sex in public can be famous. ok i know its a bit frank and rash but still...its got nice movies!!!!1thats the only grace and face saving part about it. haha. im crapping again. nvm being psycho.
ok on a lamer note. how high can butterflies fly? haha. any1 got the answer? lalas.

7:11 PM

let me ask you a question. what is the most definate thing about life? not a job interview, not a distinction score in exams, not a degree. then what is the most definate thing about life? it is actually death. let's face it.who can escape death? none of us can. in fact, even though it is the most and only definate thing in life, many people do not plan for it. death can happen anytime, anywhere. yet many people plan for indefinate things like job interviews and exams and such. what is the point? let's face it. we should actually plan for our death no matter our age. before people start "touching wood", let me explain. we all agreed that in life death is the most definate and perhaps the ONLY definate thing. let's face it. we should all start planning for death isn't it?next thing that i want to adress. about projects. this is meant to flame no one. in projects we all agree that we need co-operation. right? but what exactly is co-operation? it involves LISTENING to others and not ploughing on as if the whole project is owned by you, doing your own part and NOT taking credit for things that we obviously DID NOT do and not taking resposiblity for the things that you OBVIOUSLY have done. and seriously i think the main characteristic of NY is that people obviously DO NOT think before they speak. good example is me. sometimes, i hurt people although i do not know that i did it. the point is we have to be nore sensitive and alert to the surroundings and people around you. also we have to be flexible. if 1 thing go wrong in your plan, please listen to others before makin your desicion on what to do. if ohers have a plan that can somewhat solver your problems. please listen and consider it. we all have to know that everyone is as busy and as stressed as you are. so please do not thing that people who are not tired everyday or do not complain or not stressed and tired. sometimes they just do not want to show it as it will affect the people around them. please consider this point before jumping to the conclusion that others are all free and slacking when you are working hard. this is basically thinking twice.another thing is that when we lead or are forced/encouraged to lead, we really have to know that rank and position DOES NOT mean absolute power and that everyone have to do things your way. sometimes it is better to sallow your pride and listen and consider other's objections and opnions. it is in the human nature to critisise things that you find are wrongly done or not to your liking. true. maybe once in a while, we can break from our complanning and grumbling to try to appreciate the good and nice things that people do for you. maybe you can actually try tothink about all the little actions that people do that warms your heart. the little things that people do that helped when you are in need.maybe you all can consider this point. do you practice what you preach? your words may motivate others. but if you do not follow your words, you are a hypocrite. good example? fact, if you look deep into any language, you would find that every words spoken is like a risk taken. think twice before you speak because you will be expected to practice what you preach.try to bear that in mind before you speak.*disclaimer*people who think i insulted them or think that this post is directed towards them, please note that i posted this because i was feeling psycho so i typed this out.

7:08 PM

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

FREAKING PISSABLE. i hate chi. and my dad makes me do chi. last yr's work somemore. CRAP! anyway, he makes me do chi and blablabla. NO MSN. NO MAPLE. i dont really mind the maple part but NO MSN!!! omfg. i will just die there. anyway i started finding fault with everyone now. dont know why. just so pissable today. not that i showed it but still...IM PISSED WITH SOMEONE. the persondoesnt know its him/her but some other person knows. and the SOME OTHER PERSON better not tell him/her. okie so basically sch sucks. as usual. that someone better not cross my path again or else u will get it. its like whatever. i absolutely cannot stand it. its incerdible how a good day became a bad day within 2 mins. i dont care. i couldnt care less now. WHATEVERR.

8:50 PM

Sunday, April 02, 2006

ytd was rm's bday. so we go orchard and walkwalk and eat and take neos. supposedly watch movei but a CERTAIN SOMEONE got tuition. so didnt watch. anyway quite fun a. but make me broke. AGAIN. form like 50 bucks to like 2 bucks? lols. someone leched off me. but today will have ALOT of money back. lalalas. ruimin owes me 5 something with $0.27 of gst. =D. okie lame. but it was pretty fun la. the neos were lame. and then everyone was late. ruimin supposed to meet me at like 10.30 then she reach at 11 at clementi, the time we were supposed to be at like orchard? lols. then we were like lame. lalas. then val got no sense of direction. she dunnoe how to go to tangs from orchard mrt when its like just opposite the road. lalas. then i was calling her then she came up from the escaltor from behind us. lols. so freaky. then she and chew was wearing like class tee. then like got ny ppl doing cip there then make us donate. pathetic. lame ler la. then we donated like pathetic amount of money. like i dunnoe. less then 1 dollar. -.- for the 4 of us. tsktsk. stupid val la. have ot go and wear class tee. then they HAD to go for the freaking hmp thingy. then like so boring ler. sighh....spent a bomb ytd and going to get back like 10 bucks only? im broke again. as usual. must learn finacial mangement. lalalas. so does val. hahas

1:24 PM